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More about the Army Warfighting Experiment


The purpose of AWE20: Agile C3 is to: ‘Identify how the Army can exploit developments in technology in the Agile Command, Control and Communication space’.


We aim to:

  • Engage with industry technology providers of all sizes to explore what innovative approaches to traditional issues can be leveraged to give the Army a competitive edge.
  • Expose capability and knowledge gaps
  • Explore technology ready for rapid exploitation
  • Create a community of industry partners that will encourage a collaborative approach to problem solving.
British Army

What are Col8 aiming to improve for the Army?

The focus of the activity with the Army for AWE20 is about improving After Action Reviews, this is where exercises are carried out and then the performance of the team is evaluated afterwards for improvements.

A key area for the Army, especially in the Infantry and the use of Vehicles is how objectives for specific activities are met. In modern warfare this is not just about efficiency but increasingly about the legality of a situation. The Training and Monitoring solution will bring together data and video feeds from soldiers, UAVs, vehicles and more during these exercises to produce a whole field picture of exercise. With it's simple interface and ability to derive connections between data without the need for expensive processing means the system can be run from a tiny box in a field!

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Welcome to the Col8® Training and Monitoring solution

Built upon the massive amounts of experience in large scale video management and compliance Col8 has built a Training and Monitoring solution to go alongside the suite of tools currently in use.

How is the Training and Monitoring solution different to video management? Once many of the challenges of video have been unlocked like cost effective storage and ability to find the important moments quickly; Organisations can begin to start using this massive amount of information to look for previously hidden ways to improve their operations or business models.

Col8 CEO, Charles Smith had this to say about the launch of the Training and Monitoring solution -

"Leveraging business intelligence and analytics tools organisations can start to analyse massive amounts of video and data to find new insights. The art of video transformation is still a developing field but we at Col8 are proud to be leading the way in this field and seeing our clients begin to discover new ways to improve is so exciting"

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Contact us now if you want to find out how your organisation could leverage the power of the Col8® suite to protect, improve and grow your business.